Sunday, July 27, 2014

To Julian,
  "The Paradigms are shared by many thinkers, there is time, space, opportunity, and a precise moment to contribute with our ideas" -Perla Gutierrez

The MIT Technology Review  just released a document. A BUSINESS REPORT about;

  The Big Question: Can Technology  Fix Medicine? 

Here some snippets that show you the amount of people that share our Vision 
Medical data is a hot spot for venture investing and product innovation. The goal: better care. 100,000 the number of health apps available for smartphones.
“Much more precise medicine is possible. And I for one
want it. Because our smartphones are on us 24/7, we can
start to do much more.” —Vinod Khosla

More Phones, Fewer Doctors.  VC legend Vinod Khosla believes that medicine will go mobile and most
Doctors will be out of a job.

Data Analysis: IBM Aims to Make Medical Expertise a Commodity. Big Blue thinks its Jeopardy! Champion Watson can make money by offering health-care providers new expertise without hiring new staff.

“Physicians are too burdened on paperwork and
squeezed on revenue to keep up with the latest literature.”
—Lynda Chin Professor of Genomic Medicine, MD Anderson Cancer Center

The New Medical Data Ecosystem:
Medical data is being captured today from many sources. Pulling it together and studying what it means is the next challenge.
Environmental Data, Sensors can pick up behavioral information. Mapping, location and weather data adds insight into other triggers
Mobile Health Data:
100,000-plus mobile health apps, plus wearable devices that measure activity and bodily function, offer a constant read on patient health.
Electronic Medical Records:
Digital records include lab and test results, drug prescriptions, and doctors’ reports
Family Health History:
Public Health Data, Insight into community, health patterns from federal and state data
Genomic Data:
Less expensive genome, sequencing offers insight into the role genetics may play
Insurance Claims Data:
Trends in drug and treatment usage, Analytic algorithms and predictive modeling mine the layers of data for patterns and insight.
More precise and personalized diagnosis and care based on a holistic view
Decision support tools could help quickly evaluate the best treatments
Detailed information from many patients, along with other data, could lead to new insights into
Disease and treatment:
Mobile Health-Monitoring Devices
There’s been an explosion in smart devices that measure and monitor various bodily functions.
Data in Action:
Data is helping one of the country’s leading hospitals solve tough medical questions.

“I am concerned that it’s all too easy to see the data and
Say, ‘I've been doing big-data analysis for Target and now
I can do it for medicine.’ That turns out not to be true.
You really need to know something about medicine. If
Statistics lie, then big data can lie in a very, very big way.”

$24.4 billion Federal incentives paid to doctors and hospitals for adopting EHRs.

A new Android app platform is Google’s second attempt at building a health business
Vital statistic: There are more than 40,000 health apps available for Android phones, but only a handful have been downloaded by more than 500 users
Verizon TELECOMMUNICATIONS Provides IT and telehealth products for health-care companies

Vital statistic: $120.6 billion in revenues.
Here is the link to the whole report   Data-Driven Healtcare    or

Tim's Vermeer