Friday, September 28, 2012

Yeah!!!! Udacity: 110000110101000000 Students!

Udacity: 110000110101000000 Students!: In the first programming quiz ever offered on Udacity, students were asked to write a program that prints the number of minutes in seven wee...
I ♥♥♥♥♥UDACITY!!!!! :D :D :D

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Udacity: Sebastian Thrun: Learn. Think. Do. That's the Udac...

Udacity: Sebastian Thrun: Learn. Think. Do. That's the Udac...: "Learning results from what the student does and thinks and only from what the student does and thinks. The teacher can advance learning on...
I am so sure of what I have learned with Udacity. For me Udacity is my source of knowledge and adventure, fun and development. Thank you very much for this post. It is really comforting to know that we have the hope, the vibe, and the focus in the same pivotal clef. The honesty, fairness, and top quality of Udacity has no rival. I have been looking around, comparing and benchmarking. Udacity is the best experiment by far. It is like you are in a mirror that portraits the ability of your brain and you can molded it with the classes and then put it to work in everyday problems, challenges, anything you want. The classes have a so ready to use, top of the line approach that I have seen in every meetup, conference, seminar the urgency of hiring people with the talent that Udacity is bringing to the market. There is so much need of Udacians in the job market, and start ups. This is an experiment that brings prosperity among many other wonders; and that is amazing!!! Thank you! :D

Sunday, September 23, 2012

El Verano del 2012

El Verano del 2012
Familia, Amigos;    
Este Verano ha sido especial, se ha terminado con toda clase de eventos algunos muy tristes, como la perdida de seres queridos, amigas de la infancia, conocidos cercanos… Pero tambien con cosas muy alegres y divertidas, otras intensas y llenas de energia.
Si, este Verano lo puedo definir unico no solo porque hice cosas que no habia hecho nunca, sino porque tambien hice cosas que no habia hecho en muchos años.
En particular disfrutar a mi nieto maravilloso que ya cumplio un año!!!! Pase unos dias fabulosos con el; viendo como come, como aprende a usar la cuchara, a balbucear sus primeras palabras, a dar sus primeros pasos, como hacer sonidos, saborear por primera vez los diferentes alimentos con sus variadas consistencias y texturas…
Jugamos en las albercas, los parques, las fuentes, los columpios… vibramos con las Olimpiadas… los primeros juegos, con rimas… las primeras canciones y a probar todo hasta lo no comestible… a mover la cabeza para asentir y para decir no, le encantaron los nuevos sonidos y algunas veces no tanto…Nade, rei, cante, jugue, hice musica, corri, salte con el, con mi nieto adorado!!..
Cuando ibamos de camino a SeaWorld mi hija tomo un video donde yo tengo los audifonos puestos oyendo musica y bailando sentada, si, super concentrada, pero si lo vez sin musica parece que estaba con el mal de San Vito jajajajaja luego tomo a J.R. que iba manejando super serio… a su lado estaba mi hijo con sus juegos electronicos tambien super concentrado… mi nieto dormidisimo y mi hija no le quedaba mas que ver a todos en su propio tema y se hizo una toma de su cara que  cada vez que veo el video me ataco de risa jajajaja al escribirlo, no puedo mas que desternillarme mas por lo absolutamente ridiculo del caso, el video esta perfecto, tan perfecto que es imposible que lo publique, asi que solo la reseña les puedo platicar… tal vez en un futuro cuando nos veamos se los muestre de manera especial, por lo pronto creanme que la cosa estuvo totalmente diferente a la normalidad…
En SeaWorld vimos los flamingos, los manaties, los osos polares, los pinguinos las pirañas, las tortugas, las hidras, las estrellas de mar, los mejillones las orcas, el los acrobatas del circo en el agua, las presentaciones de las nutrias y los delfines finalizando con las ballenas asesinas y disfrutando de una comida deliciosa…
Al otro dia nos fuimos a la playa a disfrutar la arena, la playa, la brisa del mar y las olas… Ahhh!! Las olas hacia mucho tiempo que no disfrutaba las olas del mar recibiendolas en saltos, chapuzones, vueltas, cabriolas. Las olas rompiendo antes de llegar a mi, despues y en medio… dias completos pase gozando en el mar, de su espuma, de su magico aroma… fascinante!!
Mi nieto y yo hicimos musica tocando el gong, el xilofono, el piano y por supuesto no podian faltar todas las cazuelas y ollas con las palas y cucharas  de Madera… jajaja de extrepito!!!
Comimos unos caldos de pollo deliciosos, totopos… guau! Se me hace agua la boca! Y si, sigo con mi dieta de sushi y ensaladas… simplemente, hoy esa fue mi comida… Y el otro dia alguien me pregunto si me restrigia de comer alimentos, ya que ha cierta edad ya no se pueden comer… quien me lo dijo fue un señor sumamente atletico y delgado, con esas facciones que parecen haber salido de la casa de un escultor, llenas de poderosos angulos… y por supuesto era una persona que hace muchisimo ejercicio… El punto es que ese dia en especial habia comido una ensalada con rebanadas de ribeye y el dia anterior unos deliciosisismos emparedados vietnamitas super famosos por aca, asi, que no me restrinjo de  nada, solo tomo precauciones… el estaba comiendo una rebanada de pizza de pepperoni con el concentradisimo aroma y se sorprendio de que yo no comiera nada, toda la gente sucumbe al olor, y no es que no me guste la pizza, es que ya habia comido… en resumen, durante el verano segui bajando de peso y hacienda ejercicio, y aun cuando no hice mi rutina, con todos los lugares que visitamos y actividades que hicimos la bascula siguio cediendo y cediendo… cuando llegue a la escuela los resultados se veian claramente no solo por que la bascula lo decia sino porque los comentarios fueron de unanimes porras y yo disfruto cada dia el haber tomado la decision de cambiar mis habitos para estar mas saludable…
Tambien visitamos Legoland, uno de mis parques favoritos, al que no voy a dedicarle sino solo estas lineas, las fotos no dicen todo pero dicen mucho de lo que disfrutamos enormemente…
Despues de un viaje a Legoland lo que hay que hacer es construir los nuevos modelos y jugar en casa con los juguetes, tambien jugamos juegos de mesa donde la victoria se escapaba hasta que despues de algunos dias termine con un primer lugar de epoca, jajaja despues, volvimos a jugar y ya no hubo tal… mmmhh seguire intentando…
Celebramos el cumpleaños de mi nieto, adelantado, porque para la fecha oficial no ibamos a estar juntos asi que tuvimos pastel para el y para mi porque tambien celebramos el mio cuando vean las fotos veran que las velas dicen numeros muy alocados jajaja fue porque no tenia el 3 jajaja …
Nuestra ultima parrillada fue  a principios de Septiembre en casa de amigos y extrene mi bikini, que tambien quedaran cerradas las fotos porque resulta que como dice mi hijo estoy tan quemada que tengo el color de una galleta de chocolate, y tengo tantas pecas que parece que tambien tengo trocitos de chocolate en lo quemado, pero he ahi que nado con un traje completo que es para nadar, sin espalda solo con unos mini tirantes pero totalmente cubierto por enfrente asi que cuando me puse el bikini estaba de dos colores por enfrente cosa que no se ve super fantastica… Ok,  tendre que emparejar el color, lo bueno es que todavia tenemos temperaturas achicharrantes por aqui, asi que hay oportunidad para emparejar el bronceado y quedar mas que super fantastica. Hubo mas eventos, de los que escribi hasta el cansancio en su momento, principalmente en Facebook, asi que no hace falta volver a mencionarlos, solo dire que fueron interesantes e intensos en algunos momentos… Ya estoy en el trabajo, y tengo muchas otras actividades increibles que les platicare mas adelante… que rapido pasa el tiempo! Que verano!! Ahh!! Fueron unas vacaciones inolvidables!!! :D

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Questions for Udacity Meetup
1.-Have Udacity planned to give classes about micro machine sensors?
2. - Have Udacity planned to give classes about nano-chemistry systems?
3. - There is a new approach with bistatic radars and according to some experts, there is a way to localize anything by scattering signals from senders to receivers with the cell phones transmit technology. Do you think that can help to reduce the cost of the driverless car sensors, specifically the laser one?
4. - When do you think the driverless car can be affordable by American middle class?
5.- Do Udacity have planned to have different Challenges, Meetups, Contests, Anniversary parties or other events at different seasons of the year for the hemisferes in a consistent way?
6. - Have Udacity planned to use other languages than Python, like for example Ruby? If not, can you explain why?
7.- Have you planned to go mobile, like Udacity Mobile?
8.- Do you have planned any advertising campaing, that includes plain ads.?
9.- Have you seen the possibility of having representatives or liaisons around the world, or if you have them, are you planning to have summits, congresses or other technical gatherings around the world?
10.- Have you planned of giving some classes about programming games, have you think that Udacity can be branch out as a game; with the forums with their stories and all the anecdotes and special culture that Udacians have been developed?

Answer to a blog designed to look for flaws, where there is no such thing...

Answer to a blog designed to look for flaws, where there is no such thing...
Read the link first, so you can followed the answer :D
The Angrymath blogger wrote about Udacity Statistics 101
He wrote:“It feels like lack of planning…” That is a completely subjective approach, everybody can feel whatever. It is a particular emotion.
Sebastian’s weight… That is very personal; a woman generally speaking doesn’t use that example. A person can use it because it is very trivial for him, and the important part is the manipulation of the numbers; or also can used it because other data can be subjected to the rigorous scrutiny of the world.
The syllabus was done by a statistician engineer not by a statistician Angrymath… so, the language is correct because it was used in a very practical way. I can tell you beautiful and pretty, and means the same. The accuracy of the syllabus depends of the point of view of the user.
Terms and symbols…they were either written or said, so what is the problem? That is why is a video that you can repeat it, and also is for people that can go to any internet search engine and go deeply in anything, if not, you have the forums. That way the class was light and fun, I was not lost in definitions. I usually emphasized the difference between the symbols we use in samples, populations, or examples because it is very important in Quality research… when you are dealing with a computer software or program that is giving you the answer no matter how much data are you dealing with the terms start blending in the software or program so that is why it does not have that much importance, the answer, for practical purposes is going to be the same.
The words that the Angrymath blogger uses are religious, cardinal sin and unforgivable, legitimate good idea, and the phrase “beauty is the enemy of expression” are philosophically extreme and in Science or Math that does not count. The ways a person communicates it is entirely personal, and that is call style, if the phrases “Be amazed…” or “…if you don’t know the answer…” are perceived differently of what it is literally said, that is being subjective, and again it does not count for further speculation. I rather be challenged with an intuitive question than to just followed the lecture, and that approach is very good for learning.
In engineering we use many data from other sources, how deep we go into them it depends always in the practical approach we want to show, or is going to be useful… if an empirical rule needs to be established, then we can do another empirical one, called it in a very loose way “magical” and nobody believes that the ancient perception of the magic term is used.
The way Sebastian Thrun developed the formula for a normal curve it is actually one of the most practical, easy to understand ways I have seen without using complex math. It is entirely practical and useful for people interested in the use of a tool no how it was made.
To blink or not to blink? What does it matter if you are going to repeat the video…. “Thrun actually does finally explain the technique…” So, he did it!!! And that is his style, a very unique way of making the class interesting; you were supposed to be puzzled!!!
Final Exam Certification… well, Mr. Angrymath can give me his grade and who cares. If Sebastian Thrun gives me a grade, excuse me!!!!! OMG!!! One of the most intelligent persons in the whole planet. I am absolutely honored.
Hucksterism can be applied to Mr. Angrymath just because of his own nickname. Most people like to be motivated and confident and that was the purpose of the cheering. Other vocabulary is just not practical worldwide. It needs to be simple and people need to use the tools.
Udacity is improving and moving itself organically to maximize the learning of their students, so the suspicions of this blogger are totally unfounded.
The summary concludes in a total reverse of a new most rewarding attempt to share knowledge. It seems that some professors are really touched and shake by the new learning style. Flexibility, adaptation and relearning should be priorities instead of hopeless attacks. New technologies, reviews of old syllabus or specific approaches could be his new religion. 

Friday, September 7, 2012

Udacity: Secondary School Challenge winners announced; More...

Udacity: Secondary School Challenge winners announced; More...: Over the summer months, students around the world have been taking Udacity classes for a chance to win an all expenses-paid trip to Silicon ...
Super congratulations!!! Team Jusix is among the ten best! We are super proud of what we accomplished. Our Summer was so much fun!!! Our leaders Julian Milosavljevic and Yunnis Ninja are the most amazing leaders I can ever imaging to have!!! Thank you to them and to Udacity for putting this together!!! It was delightful!!! :D

Does free education pay? A conversation with Mary on MOOC business models.

People use education online in very different ways. Some use it entirely to learn, others as a platform to help them to have a better job. Others use online education just to mingle around trying to decide what to do. The ones that don’t like the idea at all and feel threaten by it and just go and look for flaws in the system. The moles, that are the intentional ones, and the ones that are just saying out loud whatever they please everywhere. Other users of online education are the owners and/or associates of other institutions that have been looking at massive learning as a menace to destroy their own training services business and the competition. Well, that is the market... How to convince them that this is an enormous effort that needs everybody involvement, participation and will? How to make them realize that is a win-win situation with prosperity and gain for everybody? Sometimes people see only one part of a situation instead of looking at the whole transformation of a system… How dare you to threat well established institutions? One thing that is totally favorable is that many excellent universities are having an online model; with the hope that they are going to be recognized as equal as the traditional certification of knowledge. The thing is that we cannot have a better world if we don’t have educated people. How can we have a critical mass of humanity going in the right direction, taking the right decisions, doing the correct activities and make money with it? It is already perfectly established that for the students is free or almost free. There is going to be a head-hunter situation and kind of an employment agency to have revenues. There are online shops with memorabilia with logos of the institutions for fans. There is going to be special contracts with firms that required special training. Also worldwide renowned universities that are participating are going to have agreements with other universities or branch out the online model in different continents. So, what else? There are online students that are using the online classes to get better grades in the institutions they are studying, so that goes underground. How about the persons that are going to continue their entrepreneurship and use the knowledge acquired for their solely benefit; that is another absolutely one side free benefit. How about countries where the black market is a mayor way of living and they are going to copy, use, translate, make profit of the knowledge that is shared. That is another way of not getting pay for the efforts and it can also destroy the good will of some people. I think negotiations, talks, agreements, tailored contracts, and advertisement need to be involved. I rather have in the side of ads of my Facebook full of things that I like and promoting permanently my online school than other institutions that are already there just annoying me. Or in all the other sites I participate. Why are people so reluctant to advertise? Like Pinterest, that is a site that could easily sell the pins… which is already happening but with many steps to follow and to search for. Ads can be very muted or not, I would like to choose from a set of different styles of adds of the brands that I like than to have imposed things that I don’t even care about. And that is a completely change of structure of how online marketing is imploding in the costumers instead of showing off and promote brands. I know there are some people doing that already and they get paid, because they need to write or do something that involves the promoted brand. I think it should be the option for everybody to choose what is going to be done with the ads that are in their sites without further compromise or not.
Other thing that it needs to be accurate is if a real living person is using the online services which can be corroborated with many tools, and it is happening right now.
 In a final thought I would like to share with you, that, the other day I was listening a TED talk about how other online educational institution is doing. The talk was informative, but at the end the way that people reacted was totally uniform in a matter of seconds which only you have that kind of reaction if people is going just to pledge adherence?! To move crowds, to be in tempo with the masses is a talent that needs to be cultivated by online educational institutions. To inform people, to send news, to prepare events is something that gives the character of any school, to feel the alma matter  can move mountains and make prosperous agreements.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Saying good bye to a dear friend...

To Natalia;
Why does she need to go? I just realized how much I want her to stay. Just to know that she was here and that we could talk and share some of our best moments as two persons can share friendship, has been absolutely rewarding!
Everything started more than two decades ago. I was in a breakfast with all the moms for our kindergarteners, two sits were still empty, and suddenly at the same time two absolutely awesome visions enter the room. The first one was a Japanese- Mexican girl with and outstanding red dress that contrasted perfectly with her, and pointed out a very sophisticated hair cut. One side shorter than the other, with bangs; super black, super shiny and she was very elegant and witty. And behind her was another girl in red too but her dress was floating in the room like it had a special air making it float, absolutely majestic she had long blond hair and her blue eyes were radiant and happy, she was pushing a stroller. They both sat down and introduced themselves and it was an instant click… after that, the three of us plus another friend had wonderful times and shared all the elementary school phase of our kids together. The birthday’s parties, the events in the school, and our fabulous searching of nice restaurants to have breakfast indulging ourselves with great conversations, superb food, and lovely ambiences was pure happy life. Ah! Those good old days!!
Memories come to me in a kaleidoscope of events. Once my friend and I worked together in an educational project with great success, today we want to revamp it. We finished it for the moment but a project can have other steps if you have a vision for that, so that is a good thing, it does not matter the distance, we still can work together… The incredible thing is that we also stayed for long periods of time at the same time in the same countries which it is almost impossible for two friends, in each of the countries we visited icons of culture and had many intellectual adventures. We saw our families grow, mature and made their own families; we still are in the last part of that, so interesting!
She paints; I can actually make a book describing her paintings that are fresh and cozy at the same time. Her paintings are precise and accurate, with depth and composition that can give you an entire message of occasional beauty. Indeed, she has wonderful works of art not only on canvas but in her entire house… You can walk to one room and be surrounded by beautiful dinosaurs in a checkers ground like. It is like floating in a fantasy with a super comforting feeling, and the special thing is that who knew that a theme of dinosaurs can be so compellingly adequate for a bedroom. Another room is the kitchen full of Arab writing in a welcome way only in the cornices and balustrades in a very delicate calligraphy, yet with vibrant colors. Yes, just writings, still, with a powerful presence of a dynamic center of the delicacies’ lab. Because that is what a kitchen is. Why do you want to go to a kitchen if you are not going to indulge yourself or others? That is the way we share our vision of preparing food… and guess what.. She cooks exquisite! How am I not going to miss her?…
In a turn of events she needs to switch countries again, and that, my friends require strength, lots of it.
She writes, she is a web designer, she dances and bikes, she can make an astonishing dress from scratch… If you ask me if I admire her, the answer is Yess!!! She is my friend, and I am going to miss her enormously, but I know that there is no distance that could, or can take us apart because a true friendship is sealed in the stars and ours is a beautiful constellation!! Have a nice wonderful journey my dearest friend, and luckily one day we may share our time together again!!!♥

Udacity: Colo. State University Global Campus offers credit...

Udacity: Colo. State University Global Campus offers credit...: Colorado State University-Global Campus, the nation's first 100% online, independently accredited public university, has announced that th...
Nice! Super Congratulations!!! :D

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Udacity: Where are the top 10 international Meetup communit...

Udacity: Where are the top 10 international Meetup communit...: With just two weeks left before Udacity's first ever Global Meetup Event, over 400 Meetup communities have already organized, many of which ...

Having a Global Meet up we are a lot of people!!! So much fun!! :D always interesting, exciting, wonderful and amazing!! Yeah!! :D