Monday, September 22, 2014

James Fallon, Neuroscientist - A Scientist's Journey Through Psychopathy

A Scientist's Journey Through Psychopathy... Leadership and Psychopathy... I so new it... For some empathy is null... some just go for the kill in business, work, projects... Their tantrums and behavior is out of proportions. They savior cruelty, they think that it is because people is not as intelligent as them. Some brilliants think that people not as intelligent as them deserve to fail, while they deserve a life of plenty... Ha... life is not like that... and the goodness of people is there... The life of plenty is just a matter of perspective....

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Google Glasses + Paramedics = Saving People in a very efficient way! Please Vote

 From Team Jusix!!! Yeah!! Please vote! Here is what Julian Milosavljevic sent us!
:D :D :D ♥♥♥
LIKE OUR IDEA! ...Just hit on the link on the right side the orange "Jetzt unterstützen!" button, it's German  and means "Support now". You only need 3 seconds and no sign up is needed. Thank you so much for supporting innovation in health care. If you have further questions about "Medical Glasses", ask me, I would love to explain you the idea in detail.
Greetings from Germany

Translated Excerpts from the Site..


Short description of the idea

"Medical Glasses" is an app for the emergency medical service based on Google Glasses. The application is designed to make patient care safer and more efficient.

Description of Idea

With our ideas we want to support the emergency services personnel, especially in two ways: on the one hand we want to do at the right time and the right information available to give to others through complete documentation and a video connection to retrospectively demanded emergency medical team to the legal security. These carry the crews of ambulance and emergency vehicle use Google Glasses with our software "Medical Glasses". "Medical Glasses" is to put in stressful situations the rescuer all the information available and so prevent problems, enhance the rescue chain and ultimately save lives. You are curious what "Medical Glasses" offers everything? Just look it out in our presentation, in which you can find all the features listed and explained again. Unsure what Google Glasses is again and can? No worry, here again a little refresher:  Google Glasses.


Our next steps:

The first step is to write the software. Although we both have programming experience, however, is "Medical Glasses" too complex to allow us to realize the idea itself in a manageable time. Here we hope to gain allies who can help us technically. Failing this, would be another way of equity, potential investors, crowd funding and of course the prize money received may outsource the programming only once and later to bring programmers into the boat.
Is our idea in program format, the next step would be to gain an operational area as a partner for a practice test. From the practical test, we hope for a lot of attention, we would generate an innovation in the emergency service, the experience can we feed into the further development and evidence that proved our idea into practice.
The last step is the actual sale of "Medical Glasses". Ideally, we have the practice test generates an enormous attention in the industry and the benefits of our proven product. Our business is to advise rescue service areas in the use of "Medical Glasses", customize the software customization to local conditions and assist in the implementation.
The final step is licensing the software with monthly usage fees to us. The fees should be based on the size of the rescue service area. The target group is the local authorities, they have the obligation to maintain structures such as the ambulance service under the "municipal services".Why the idea to me fits:

We are both volunteers in a large organization and passionate hobbyists. Julian is doing extra training to become a paramedic. Accordingly, it is exciting for us to combine our knowledge and experience from both areas in an idea.

What problem is solved?

The quality of information management during operations but varied greatly. The risk is high that sometimes go down on vital information in stress. Here we come in, Medical Glasses makes it possible for the ambulance already can view the collected findings of the ambulance crew during the approach, in case of doubt a video connection to make and thus have to intervene during the journey. The representation of vital signs in the field of view of Glasses with alarm function ensures that all keep track and nothing goes down. Databases with information about medicines and standardized algorithms for the treatment of specific diseases round out the comprehensive supply of information. Because knowledge is not power but a life-saving benefit for the patient in the case.

What are the advantages to other products / services of the submitted idea?

With our idea we are entering new territory, such an extensive assistance system, which the individual parts of the rescue chain linked does not yet exist. We see our advantages in the fact that we can scale our product desired and can respond to the relevant requirements of customers. Through the benefit of wearables like Google Glasses fall extensive sales or installations on the vehicles from the Savior has his hands free, has all the information in the visual field and the flow of information on a central server allows accurate control of the data. The customer to decide how best wishes to use in his operational area Medical Glasses, so we can always guarantee a perfect solution!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Nanotechnology in the Air

Nanotechnology in the Air

       Last week I was on an airplane reading the magazine of Alaska Airlines. One of the articles that kept my attention was about Nanotechnology by Sally James. Usually I just look at the link and share with you. This time it is quite unpractical because you need to see the whole magazine in order to get to the article. So, this is something that it is very well written that it really makes me feel  happy, because 3 years ago I went to a congress about the topic and it was first hand engineers and scientists with  fascinating research, and now its applications are more visible to the general public.
       Big Potential in going small. The  life-changing impact of nanotechnology. That is the title of what a small-scale Revolution is going on. Then Nanospyder by Volkswagen is the first image in the article, you can appreciate a futuristic shaped car and the caption says that it would use nanotechnology that will be 100 recyclable. Other wonderful examples are; 
A Quantum Dot is used in flat-screen televisions and solar panels.
 Maybe your socks have nano-size particles of silver to kill smelly bacteria.
 There are bicycles so lightweight nowadays because the use of ultra strong carbon nano tubes in the carbon fibers that are use to manufacture its frames.
 Suits of Armor like bulletproof vests are tailored in Canada. 
Nano materials are being used in many batteries to make them smaller.
      For  the near future we can think about machines the size of molecules.They can be embedded within the human body, detecting diabetes and helping to prevent heart disease.
 Inside a living  body can be gold as a cancer killer. 
      It is so tinny a nano material that can go through a cell membrane to deliver healing therapies.
 Robert Langer at MIT is helping to design a tiny package with genetic messengers to help to prevent cancer at cellular level. Pat Stayton at the University of Washington, Dr. Anil Sood at the University of Texas and other scientists at various universities as well as the private sector are using nano scale materials. We are at the edge of a new way of doing things.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

To Julian,
  "The Paradigms are shared by many thinkers, there is time, space, opportunity, and a precise moment to contribute with our ideas" -Perla Gutierrez

The MIT Technology Review  just released a document. A BUSINESS REPORT about;

  The Big Question: Can Technology  Fix Medicine? 

Here some snippets that show you the amount of people that share our Vision 
Medical data is a hot spot for venture investing and product innovation. The goal: better care. 100,000 the number of health apps available for smartphones.
“Much more precise medicine is possible. And I for one
want it. Because our smartphones are on us 24/7, we can
start to do much more.” —Vinod Khosla

More Phones, Fewer Doctors.  VC legend Vinod Khosla believes that medicine will go mobile and most
Doctors will be out of a job.

Data Analysis: IBM Aims to Make Medical Expertise a Commodity. Big Blue thinks its Jeopardy! Champion Watson can make money by offering health-care providers new expertise without hiring new staff.

“Physicians are too burdened on paperwork and
squeezed on revenue to keep up with the latest literature.”
—Lynda Chin Professor of Genomic Medicine, MD Anderson Cancer Center

The New Medical Data Ecosystem:
Medical data is being captured today from many sources. Pulling it together and studying what it means is the next challenge.
Environmental Data, Sensors can pick up behavioral information. Mapping, location and weather data adds insight into other triggers
Mobile Health Data:
100,000-plus mobile health apps, plus wearable devices that measure activity and bodily function, offer a constant read on patient health.
Electronic Medical Records:
Digital records include lab and test results, drug prescriptions, and doctors’ reports
Family Health History:
Public Health Data, Insight into community, health patterns from federal and state data
Genomic Data:
Less expensive genome, sequencing offers insight into the role genetics may play
Insurance Claims Data:
Trends in drug and treatment usage, Analytic algorithms and predictive modeling mine the layers of data for patterns and insight.
More precise and personalized diagnosis and care based on a holistic view
Decision support tools could help quickly evaluate the best treatments
Detailed information from many patients, along with other data, could lead to new insights into
Disease and treatment:
Mobile Health-Monitoring Devices
There’s been an explosion in smart devices that measure and monitor various bodily functions.
Data in Action:
Data is helping one of the country’s leading hospitals solve tough medical questions.

“I am concerned that it’s all too easy to see the data and
Say, ‘I've been doing big-data analysis for Target and now
I can do it for medicine.’ That turns out not to be true.
You really need to know something about medicine. If
Statistics lie, then big data can lie in a very, very big way.”

$24.4 billion Federal incentives paid to doctors and hospitals for adopting EHRs.

A new Android app platform is Google’s second attempt at building a health business
Vital statistic: There are more than 40,000 health apps available for Android phones, but only a handful have been downloaded by more than 500 users
Verizon TELECOMMUNICATIONS Provides IT and telehealth products for health-care companies

Vital statistic: $120.6 billion in revenues.
Here is the link to the whole report   Data-Driven Healtcare    or

Tim's Vermeer

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Do I believe in Love?

To you, where ever you are
To them, because they want to know
May 18, 2014

Do I believe in Love?
Can I talk about it?

Yes, I do! I believe in love, that is the motor to my whole existence…Is love free? Is love eternal? How can I tell you why I feel so intense? Shall I talk about how I have been loved? Shall I tell you that twice I offered my life for my love ones? Like, real decisions about choosing between my life or others’ life. I still tremble, cry, surrender my mind to the thought of my love ones. What kind of love do you want to talk about? Is it just one kind, or many? I have heard so many definitions… recently one was absolutely astonished not because the words that were used to defined it, but for the person who said that…”Love, it just appears… you do not need to learn that feeling, is there, it appears without warning.” Is that true? It is the opposite as to have a fox as a friend and look at the sunset everyday for a period of time to learn to be friends, to learn to feel… the love of a friend? Or is it like the rose that you think is unique until you find thousands like your special rose… and surprisingly you start thinking that you love your rose because you take care of it like no other one?
How about impossible love or lovers… many stories about that theme, with lives at stake, with riches, families and societies to deal with… how about the love that starts with a bet or a charade to evolve to a magnificent feeling? Can we think about the love of the opposites? Is it love if only one person feels that to another, or does it need to be corresponded?
How do you know that the feeling of a person is not because of insanity? Or you need to be insane to be profoundly in love?

I love to love when I am so happy that there is a special energy, special impetus that make me go forward in life. I love to be proud of my love and to show it with fulfillment. To be delirant of cheerfulness. Love is for me that exhilarant power to move me to the edge my capabilities. Yet, the moments of quietness, the intense rest with the confidence that my love ones are there. Sintonizing like in a symphony when everybody has a part to play. Oh yes! I been loved, I love, I feel loved. It is not that the gravity of certain situations are going to define to un-love a person, because I know that what they are doing is the best they can do even if it goes against something or the all. The perfection of people is when  the wonderful perceptions about their imperfections are there, and you can recognize and love the essence of their virtues.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Aruba what an Island! Part I

Aruba what an Island! Part I
Snorkeling in the Caribbean sea, in Aruba
This winter we finished our 30th anniversary year of festivities with an outstanding vacation in a beautiful island in the Caribbean Sea. The wonderful beaches we enjoyed, the fantastic people we came upon, the wonderful interesting places we visited were something special for the end of a year full of work and dedication. So, we planned nothing ahead as we usually do. This time we just waited to be wondered for the locals and it was phenomenal. I will tell you about the hotel later and its personnel that was a key factor for that to happen. Now, I just want to tell you about the Jolly Pirates! We had a real adventure. Besides the numerous times we had snorkeled and sailed or done other sports by the ocean; you could concluded or anticipated another reef with some fish, some shipwrecks to make coral flourish, been in a sailboat for half day with some lunch and open bar, what else? We have done that many times but not quite. First; the swing, that Sebastian enjoyed a lot and I took lots of pictures of the whole parade of magnificent swinging tourists including my son doing all kind of acrobatic dives to have fun and by the way impress us a lot. I did not do it because I chicken out! Good I did that because the next days I had a gruesome exercise.
Second; it was different because we had a stumbling situation. A tourist was in the open ocean without any special gear to announce that he was there, he was out of the buoys safe zone and there were plenty of other ships, boats and recreational aquatic crafts…We passed very close to him. He started shouting the entire bad words repertoire he had and claiming the boat hit him. The crew immediately asked him if he needed help or in any way to aide him with a boat they have at the back of the sailing boat… When I was snorkeling I went to see the propeller and it was so tinny no wonder the sails were necessary, but it is a very slow sailboat for tourist to have fun. I tell you this because there is no way the guy was seriously hurt… He did not stop shouting and rejected any help. He had time to go ashore and called the police while we were snorkeling again and swinging. We saw him the whole time looking at us with menacing posture; the kind nice crew of the Jolly Pirates went to report to the police. They did not tell us, anything at least to us and we did not ask. It was kind of annoying, because the attitude of the swimmer was extremely angry. Well the next day we were on the news, in the local newspaper!
Afterwards, we had a delicious lunch, we were so tired from all the activities and because we had kind of a choppy sea with a kind of strong current and tide, we needed to snorkel in a way that we could be safe and on time, and not to be drag by the ocean very far away. We were just in wonderful time to go to the hotel and get ready for dinner. Oh! Dinners in Aruba are something special but that is for another post. In the mean time… A video for you! Enjoy!  Sometimes we crowd with Jolly Pirates 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Worries of Likelihood

  .... Between friends, they told me : The comparatively late rise of the theory of probability shows how hard it is to grasp, and the many paradoxes show clearly that we, as humans, lack a well grounded intuition in this matter

In probability theory there is a great deal of art in setting up the world, in solving the problem, and in applying the results back to the real world actions that will follow. -- The Art of Probability, Richart Hamming

For practical purposes we are forced to accept the awkward concept of "relatively random" meaning that with regard to the proposed use we can see no reason why they will not perform as if they were random(as the theory usually requires). This is highly subjective and is not very palatable to purists, but it is what statisticians regularly appeal to when they take "a random sample" -- they hope that any results they will have approximately the same properties as a complete counting of the whole sample space that occurs in their theory. --- Hamming on randomness. BETWEEN FRIENDS I ANSWERED: Well I disagree in a way. First assumption Mr. Hamming says that because a late rise is difficult to grasp. No, I know we did not have the technology to calculate many of the curves. Second, just because there are paradoxes we lack grounded intuition? Ha! Life itself is a paradox if you want to look at it like that, and intuition has helped us to survive as species. I suppose he is referring as art because the entree data can be subjected to opinions and not facts or subjective matters or populations that are not clearly defined. BUT there are many practical fields where probability is a very useful and powerful tool. Example: thanks to Markov chain theory we have electricity at home, number of roads per car, number of bank clerks per client... all need probability. Do you want to know if a product is within acceptance quality range? Use probability... The fact that people do not like forecast is because the lack of control they want to have about something... I just read your thoughts about Evolution and they are indeed immersed in probability... Genome is governed by probability law. We can be so accurate now that for the scale that human life is; it is enough to be in a very ample range like in the calculations for the driveless car. And about randomness it depends of the number of objects that the sample has and how it is treated, there is a need of sufficient items in the sample to counted as random, there has been many experiments to probe randomness very interesting ones maybe I shall talk to them in a video... And so, the videos went...THEN MY WONDERFUL FRIENDS TOLD ME....Randomness is in this context is subjected to a random seed key used for different cryptography algorithms. Randomness in itself is relative in nature, true randomness is possible but highly impractical in real world scenarios, like in cryptography. Entropy sources like radioactive decay, mouse clicks (not completely random though) provide the source of complete randomness.
Randomness does depend on the the number of objects but still I do not agree in this manner. For example, Binary bits can provide relative randomness for different purposes. Randomness is very interesting topic in itself, and may need a complete class of thoughtful discussion to overcome it's subdue complexities. MY ANSWER WAS.... Yes, you are right but we are talking about different range of measurements, in all those examples you are talking about the edges of randomness where you can not be sure about it. I am taking where dimensions are so big and/or small and contained (let's think that is where... Newtonian Laws can be applied). That is why even the notations get confusing and the angry statistician went mad(among other details) in the class of Intro to Statistics by Sebastian Thrun. I do not know if you took the class and saw the comments. THEY SAID: did the class, but didn't saw the comments he he.. SOMETHING HAPPENED IN THE CLASS...You saved yourself of a great deal of controversy that even the Professor gave an opinion in the Udacity Blog and I posted my opinion too in my blog. Oh! It was very dramatic at that time for me, today I really would like an harmonic understanding...