Wednesday, August 15, 2012

When people don't understand some things about Education Online

A person took a class at Udacity just to try to confirm something very strange, here is the link and my answer:

David, you decided to become a professor because its employment projections. Have you ever wonder if those are correct? Do you know how they are made? If you know statistics you could be very aware of their validity, take a course at Udacity and compare them, there is nothing scarier than find out that you put your future in the wrong place.
Only 10 institutions delivering higher education in the whole world are an astounding result of human effort, and the advance of technology. You have seen in your History class that jobs evolve as technology does, so there is an amazing job for you where you can express your talents in the future.
You took CS101. So where is your project? Did you build a Search Engine, because that was the purpose, if not, your class is there for you to retake it, revisited and check the forums to see the new comments, the new ideas, the creativity at work.
What do you mean by cheating? I have seen young people very uncomfortable because they can break the traditional system and cheat blatantly and they feel that there is no confidence if they can break the rules, for them the system is weak. Change the parameters and you don’t need to cheat, you need to learn and have solid knowledge to apply it and create!
Do you want to shine? Just do it and show it to the world! How? Check the Social Networks class it is the key to reach your audiences, where? At Udacity.
Do you know that your resume nowadays is read by machines that look in words to be filtered? The letter of recommendations are done or read by the idiosyncrasy of one person at a specific moment which can be not to your advantage, and maybe nobody is going to read.
Define weird people? Have you seen the Olympics? What kind of humans are you going to named weird? The tallest, the strongest, the tiny? Have you gone to the cirque? Define weird? The flexible ones? Have you been at Google? Apple? Wall mart? Have you seen a movie? Define weird. It is just your perception of reality, and your scary thoughts that make you write in a very weird way. The tie and the suit is a very old fashion, and it is portrayed in some music bands as something funny that once existed. Which one is your favorite outfit? Imaging that you can wear it every time you want, it is not a bad idea. It is being good with yourself and grants you to free your unique personality.
Computers can grade learning and that is what we are talking about. Learning concepts that give you the tools to do things, any. Have you tried to learn a language online? You learn with a machine, one of the best things to shine with your new skill is if people read your written work. Not if it’s graded.
Do you have the ability to make money? The amount of money you have is a reflection of your abilities and how you portrayed them to the world. How do you know Udacity is combating cheating? You are assuming that. The way we learn, the way we educate is a different concept at Udacity, the advantages of knowledge are very powerful, for example when you share it, you don’t lose it, you spread it. This is not war; we don’t need to be aware. We need to understand, and learn. We need to evolve and have a mankind more capable to understand themselves.


  1. Dear Perla

    You hit the nail on the head!

    Sharing knowledge is the organic way we create our environment, thus if we deplete quality of our perception by distorting the purpose of this pool of knowledge, we will encounter waste and lopsided arguments. Instead of much needed interconnected, articulated and eloquent proposals. Its up to each of us to be flexible and adaptable, to survive with dignity and thrive.

    1. Thanks! That was long time ago, I still think the same without the online school
